Veteran's Day - Yes, we have class today
Tech Doc: Complete WTech Followup Form
Wrap up Mod 2 Labs
CCNA 1 Skills Rehash (Mon & Tue)
Tech Presentation
Mod 2 Online Exam
Mod 3 Worksheet (due Thursday before break) Lab - Configuring VLANs and Trunking (hands-on, summary sheet) [if necessary, use a router as PC-C. It's just another host on the network]
Dr. Dan Petersen and Mitch Higgs, Washburn Advisers, on campus from 9:00 to 2:00.
11/13/2013 Lab - Troubleshooting VLAN Configurations - I've set up a Packet Tracer activity for this, but you'll still complete a summary sheet) Lab - Implementing VLAN Security (Hands on, summary sheet) [if necessary, use a router as PC-C. It's just another host on the network]
Review Mod 3 Worksheet
Satellite Pros - 10:45 and 11:45
Tech Presentation
Mod 3 Exams
Mod 4 Worksheet Lab - Configuring Basic Router Settings with CCP (Summary Sheet)
11/15/2013 Lab We Really Could Use A Map Instructions (answer questions in lab and submit to D2L dropbox)