Tech Doc: Article Abstract
Lab 5.3.5 Configuring Basic Router Settings with the Cisco IOS CLI
Lab 5.3.7 Configuring DHCP with SDM and the Cisco IOS CLI
ANGEL Drop Box Lab: Complete the Packet Tracer on screen Lab This is a 10 + 2 point assignment. The additional 2 points are for documentation of the Packet Tracer file. Include your name on the topology of the Packet Tracer topology, and include the assignment and your name on the submitted file to the Drop Box folder in ANGEL. Example file name: "Lab 5-3-5 BClark.pkt". Avoid using periods in file names!
Lab 5.3.7 Configurning DHCP
Lab Packet Tracer Configuring Static NAT using Cisco IOS Commands (summary sheet)
Lab 5.3.9b: Managing Router Configuration Files using TFTP (summary sheet)
Wrap up Module 5 Labs
Celebration: Windows 8 Official Release!